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Can A Reptile Get An Even Break Here?

Rosemary Guiley

It’s hard for reptiles to get a fair shake. Though exalted in most mythologies, reptilians are maligned in Western theology. Even in ufology, a field that embraces unusual ideas, reptilian ETs are treated with suspicion and ridicule. They are said to be the shapeshifting evil overlords of the New World Order. They are reported to carry on salacious sex with humans. They are said to be plotting the violent overthrow of the human race. The religious see them as servants of Satan. Mention reptilian ETs and the mass media have a field day. Even the Grays get more respect.

When it comes to reptilians, can the serious be sorted from the carnival?

According to cryptozoologist John Rhodes, the first person to speak publically about reptilian-humanoids, there are answers, and the subject of reptilians bears closer exploration. Rhodes has spent years studying reptilians and looking for evidence of them on planet earth. He has explored many caves and tunnels around the world, and has interviewed hundreds of people claiming to have encountered them. Although he has yet to have a personal sighting, he has definite ideas about the reptilian presence here. He says we should not look to the skies for reptilian ETs, but instead look beneath us into the ground, where a race of reptilian humanoids (–) reptoids (– )has evolved.

Rhodes was a presenter at the 2004 Bay Area UFO Expo in Santa Clara, California, where Fate had an interview with him.

The reptoids are not necessarily evil, Rhodes said. They are neither all good nor all evil, but a mix of intentions, personalities and behaviors (–) a lot like us, he said. Some of the reptoid hybrids live on the surface of earth, carrying on lives among humans.

Rhodes is working to rehabilitate the image of the serpent. Two thousand years of Western demonization of the serpent make his work seem at times like the labor of Sisyphus, pushing the rock uphill. Rhodes perseveres, despite opposition from religion, proponents of the Evil Empire/New World Order, and a host of more middle-of-the-road folks who harbor deep-seated fears about reptiles in general.

These reptilian creatures are from a parallel civilization of Earth origin, said Rhodes. “It’s difficult for us to think that we have brothers and sisters who are other races,” he said. “The reptoids are part of our celestial family. If we got to know them and established diplomatic and trade relationships with them, we would learn about our differences and similarities and lean on each other a bit. We could expand on our similarities to come into communion with each other. Our relationships would strengthen over time.”

Bonding with reptoids requires letting go of fear. “If we have a dualistic nature, why should they be any different?” Rhodes points out. “Good and evil are a matter of perspective. We shouldn’t try to characterize a creature based on misinterpretation or false reports. We have to make certain we don’t cast a shadow on something that has yet to be illuminated by our own knowledge.”

Western religion is responsible for much of the misinterpretation of the serpent image, according to Rhodes. The serpent is one of the oldest, most universal and most revered symbols in mythology. Although negative associations exist, the serpent is predominantly associated with wisdom, enlightenment, immortality, healing, renewal, magic and the guardianship of hidden treasure. Numerous deities have been associated with serpents. The Aztecs’ Quetzacoatl is the “Plumed Serpent,” and is prophesied to return as a great teacher. A prophecy which, according to Rhodes, may be associated with the recent UFO activity over Mexico City and the publically exposed secret British military caving operations which occurred in Mexico in 2004. The “Rainbow Serpent” in Australian mythology is a creator deity. Asklepios, the Greek god of healing, has a totemic serpent entwined on a staff. Hermes, the Greek god of learning and magic, carries a caduceus wand entwined by two serpents. Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, has a serpent on her shield. The Nagas of Vedic lore are human/serpent beings who possess a high level of wisdom. In yoga, the kundalini, the energy of enlightenment, is likened to a coiled serpent that sleeps at the base of the spine, and rises to the crown of the head when awakened by spiritual study and discipline.

In Judeo-Christian angelology, the angels who are closest to God – the seraphim – are associated with serpents (see sidebar on page __). Jesus acknowledged the wisdom of the serpent in his statement, Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)

But even the seraphim and Jesus do not counter the dominant darker picture of serpents presented in the Bible: that of deceiver and an agent of evil. While the Gnostic teachings identify Jesus with the serpent in Eden, because they were both condemned for bringing humans closer to god-like status, the Biblical authors emphasized the serpent’s negative image by attributing it to evil deeds and deception. In Genesis, a serpent tempts Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, thus causing the Fall of humanity from grace, and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. As punishment, God condemns the serpent to travel upon its belly. The serpent went on to symbolize lies, treachery and evil, serving as the inspiration for the forked tongue and serpent-tailed representations of the Devil.

The appearance of the Biblical serpent is controversial. Genesis does not give an exact description. Some illustrations of the serpent, in Eden, depict a reptilian-humanoid being. The serpent talks to Eve and exhibits intelligence and wile. But like reptoids, did it walk upright or slither on the ground as a normal snake?

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