Whether you are a seasoned astronomer or just a beginner with a 60-millimeter or larger telescope, if you spend a few evenings of earnest effort using it to check out the jumbled lunar surface, you will soon find that hundreds of features we are supposed to believe are just “big rocks” scattered around scads of lunar craters are not what we were told. Instead, many of them reveal themselves to be humungous structures of definite manufacture, built there (or imported?) by very advanced “selenite” (i.e., lunar) inhabitants. But, while these things are surprisingly easy to see from Earth, they do not show up in our official lunar photos, nor have our space officials ever admitted to their presence. At every opportunity, they still pretend that such things can only be mirages, since our Moon has been found to be lifeless and barren.
Gigantic Dimensions Nevertheless, even if some of these structures are nothing more than big inflated balloons (as in a Macy’s parade), they were designed and built with a marvelous sense of artistry and engineering in spite of their odd shapes and (routinely) 10- to-50-mile-long dimensions. Of course, since their purpose remains unknown, they could be anything from elaborate labs or factories to whole enclosed cities, or maybe even glitzy selenite governmental buildings. What we know for sure is that dozens of them have been seen turned or moved from sighting to sighting, indicating that they are in current use. Generally, however, the more spectacular ones are notably sleek and lovely as they gleam with an overall bright, silvery surface. Some also exhibit big areas of glassy black surface, too, which likely means they are silicon solar energy collectors needed for powering their operations. Among the less spectacular structures are those which have a more pronounced industrial appearance with amenities like crane booms, test stands, and assorted antennae, etc., sticking out from them. Some are also hooked up to an extensive network of aerial “pipelines(?)” which connect with nearby craters, or leapfrog for many miles before diving directly down into the surface at isolated locations. There is also a wide variety of other types of structures some of which, except for their huge size, are vaguely reminiscent of our old, rundown repair shops and sheds, but built from dark (local?) materials. From time to time, some of these structures can be seen loosely wrapped in a coarse, burlap-like fabric, apparently as temporary shielding to protect workers from a deadly 14 days of solid sunlight while they make urgent repairs underneath.
As soon as their jobs are finished, though, all of this is quickly gone.
Totem Pole A unique example in this category is a massive tower looking as shown in my sketch here, jokingly dubbed a “totem pole” when first seen sitting in the southwest quadrant near the center of the 85- mile- diameter Crater Mee. From there, it soars about 12 miles skyward (based on its shadow). Although it is not likely to be any- thing as frivolous as a totem pole, it must surely serve some important function. But being some 225,000 miles away, salient details of this and all other lunar structures often do not become apparent until after several viewings, or a search for additional clues around nearby terminators (i.e., lines of darkness). On the other hand, numerous objects quite often pop right out at you by surprise on their first sighting, and with startling clarity, too. Since the public has been so badly mis- led to believe there is no alien life or any alien structures on the Moon, people tend to chortle a bit when they first hear about this from lone amateurs like me, assuming that I must be a clever lunatic aiming for fame and fortune by trying to pull off a bad joke. Next, they imagine that this must be some kind of game, like looking for make believe images of ships and horses, in passing clouds on lovely summer days like we did as kids. When they finally understand that this is not a silly kid’s game, though, they first try to play nice, then get a bit haughty and suggest that my claims might be more acceptable if I would back them up with “good” (i.e., official) lunar pho- tos rather than just hand sketches on which I might exaggerate. But they have already missed the whole point. While they were quick to question the veracity of my sketches, they were totally oblivious to it in our official Moon photos (which our own space agency has admitted were al- ready computer enhanced before they were ever made public). Of course, few people realize that this meant erasing all traces of any alien artifacts which may have shown up in their original on-site photos, then back-filling each erasure with phony com- puter generated patches. These are virtually undetectable, too, except for their glaring discrepancies from reality as seen only through actual viewing or comparisons with other photos known to be honest.
Brazen Deceit Regrettably, a naive public simply cannot conceive of our own honored space officials perpetrating such a brazen deceit like this upon us. Hence, the public bought every myth about lunar conditions rolled out for us by our own celebrity Moon experts during our lunar explorations as gospel truth. And, sad but true, they will likely continue to believe them to be true until they are officially informed that it is time to switch to their new set of revised ones. As to lunar photos, I have studiously ready had my hands full with viewing and writing about this stuff for these past 25 years. Adding lunar photography would have required another long learning curve and wasted a lot of time trying to get meager results (not to mention lots of additional expense for a bigger telescope, suitable camera, and endless support equipment). To boot, I suspect that if I could have then made just middling photos showing actual Moon structures where none show up in the official photos and published them as proof, I would have gotten indignant howls from a host of partisan critics demanding that I explain how I had concocted such fakes. Better I let them bash my best-effort sketches than have them impugn my integrity by comparing my pitiful photos to their lovely, (but far less than honest) official ones. Accordingly, try to avoid official Moon photos for lunar details, as they will just mislead you, and waste your time.
Honest Efforts I still routinely check out all the new, privately made Moon photos I run across to see if they (accidentally) show assorted lunar artifacts which I know should show up in them. If I see the right things, then I assume they are honest, and pass along their source to my readers for their edification. The latest are two groups coming via Internet from a viewing club in France. Except that these may need some “search” help, their addresses are http://legault.club.fr, with 34 photos, and www.visi.com/~dethier/moon.htm with 14 pictures. All of these photos are thanks to the efforts of some very skilled and dedicated amateur astronomers at Club Legault. Not all of them are fantastic, but most are made with very powerful 12-inch Schmidt/ Cassegrain telescopes, (except for a few with a nine-inch Takahashi) and are quite good. A few are a bit over or underexposed. But even so, most have good resolution and sharp detail, evident when you click on them for full size. For instance, just one photo (labeled “Theophilus,” etc. in the “Legault” group) shows three or more recognizable major objects and over a half dozen minor ones, including a “pipeline,” with unmistakable clarity. When looking there, be sure to check out the area near Crater Hypatia, just off the complete right-center edge of this photo, where there is a stunning view of a nice, 15-mile-long, bright white object resembling a speed boat. You can even see a (very typical) control cabin module on its top, plus a support structure with four visible white feet, looking like “Mickey Mouse boots,” in the shadows underneath. There are also many similar things to see in the 14 Dethier photos. A care- ful look at the south rim of Crater Pur- bach (at top in the Crater Walter photo, for instance, shows a wasp-like winged object about 40 miles long, quite worthy of everyone’s attention. Another wild object, just begging for study) is only a bit to the west (i.e., left) of the “wasp” object. Unfortunately though, all of these photos are copyrighted, so I am unable to reproduce them here.