Were poltergeists mysteriously able to obtain energy for their mischief from this young girl?
Fate Magazine August 1959
After a lifetime spent in the investigation of four dimensional mysteries, I have formed the opinion that poltergeists are invisible, intangible, and malicious noise entities. They are able, by laws as yet unknown to our physicists, to extract energy from living persons, often from the young, and usually from girl adolescents. By using these young people as a fulcrum, lever, or support, they are able to increase and nourish this energy, and to direct intelligently this stolen power and use it telekinetically for the violent propulsion or displacement of objects, for purposes of destruction, and especially for the production of every variety of noise - from the "swish" of a silk skirt to an "explosion" that makes windows rattle. And they can do many other strange things, as the reader will discover.
It is a maxim that in poltergeist cases the investigator practically never witnesses the displaced objects in flight or the beginning of telekinetic movements. A classic example to the above rule was Eleonore Zugun, a little Romanian girl whose psychic life-story is known almost from her cradle to the present day. She was born at Talpa, Romania, on May 24, 1913 and lived with her parents until she was 12 years old, at which time she went to live with her grandparents.
A few days after Eleonore's arrival at her new home, a shower of stones entered their cottage, smashing several windows. Then in full sunlight a big stone, a piece of porcelain, and half a brick also entered the house, breaking more windows. No one was seen to throw the missiles which invariably fell at the child's feet. The simple peasants thought that the girl was pos
sessed by the Devil and sent her
back home.
Home once more, Eleonore and the Zugun family were having a meal in the kitchen when a stone from outside came crashing through the window pane. The stone was wet and round, similar to those found in the river Seret, a few yards from their cottage. A priest was called. He marked the stone with a cross, threw it back into the river, and then returned to the house. A little later the same stone, recognized by the priest's mark, was flung into the house again.
The villagers were more and more convinced that Dracu, the Devil, was the cause of all the trouble, especially as the manifestations followed the girl from placeto place. They threatened to put her in an asylum. Her father then resolved to take the child to a priest, and next morning he, together with 14 other peasants, conducted Eleonore to the old Greek Orthodox priest of Zamostea, named Macarescu, a bedridden old man of about 80.
Soon after Elconore entered his room an iron vessel suddenly burst into many pieces. Immediately afterwards an earthen jar which had been on the hearth also burst and the pieces were thrown into the court. Scarcely had the witnesses recovered from this shock than both inner windows broke and one of the splinters fell into the room. The outside windows remained intact.
While the author was talking with the little girl and the countess, a steel stiletto suddenly shot across the room behind him and fell against the closed door. There was no one else anywhere in the room.
During these - events the old priest, his son, and a school teacher, Teolorescu, were all present. Startled, they ran out of the room. The teacher looking through the window saw a chest, which normally stood against the wall, move backward and forward and from side to side of its own volition. Only one young man, John Ostafe, had remained in the room. When he saw the chest moving about he stopped it, saying, "Wait, devil, I see you cannot do it alone; I will help you." At that instant a plank, hidden in a corner, sprang upon the young man and injured him.
1950's ISSUES ALL 19.99