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True Stories of Levitation

Writer's picture: FATE MagazineFATE Magazine

Throughout history, humans have been fascinated by the concept of levitation or the seemingly impossible ability to defy gravity and float in mid-air. While many perceive levitation as a product of fantasy or illusion, there exist several astonishing and well-documented accounts of individuals seemingly defying the laws of nature.

Today, we will explore some of the most bizarre, but true stories of levitation ever recorded, shedding light on these extraordinary events that continue to captivate our imagination.

The Levitating Nun

One of the most perplexing instances of levitation took place in a convent in Aix-en-Provence, France, during the 17th century. Sister Jeanne des Anges, a nun at the Ursuline Convent, was known for her intense spiritual devotion. Witnesses claimed to have seen her levitate during moments of profound religious ecstasy.

The phenomenon occurred multiple times, with Sister Jeanne hovering above the ground for extended periods, defying the laws of gravity. Her levitations were witnessed by fellow nuns, clergymen, and even skeptical visitors, leaving them astonished and questioning the limits of human potential.

The Case of Daniel Dunglas Home

In the 19th century, Daniel Dunglas Home, a Scottish medium, gained notoriety for his apparent ability to levitate. Home’s feats of levitation were witnessed by numerous reputable individuals, including scientists, journalists, and even members of the British royal family.

Accounts describe Home floating out of windows, hovering over tables, and rising to remarkable heights. These incidents were often accompanied by a sense of weightlessness and a suspension of natural laws. Despite rigorous investigations, no plausible explanations were found, leaving Home’s levitation abilities shrouded in mystery.

The Enigma of Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba, an Indian spiritual leader revered by millions, was believed to possess supernatural powers, including the ability to levitate. Countless eyewitnesses have testified to witnessing Sai Baba effortlessly levitating above the ground during his spiritual gatherings.

In one notable instance, a renowned Indian scientist, Dr. B.V. Narasimha Swamiji, observed Sai Baba levitating several feet in the air for a significant duration, leaving him astounded and bewildered. Although skeptics have offered various theories to discredit these accounts, the overwhelming number of credible witnesses challenges conventional explanations.

Levitation in Tibet

Tibetan Buddhism has long been associated with mystical practices, including levitation. The “Rainbow Body” phenomenon, as it is known, refers to the alleged ability of highly realized Tibetan monks to levitate or dissolve their physical bodies into radiant light at the time of their death.

While these occurrences are rarely witnessed by outsiders, there are several documented cases of individuals, such as the renowned master Khenpo A-Chö, who allegedly achieved the Rainbow Body transformation. Although these events are shrouded in spiritual symbolism and metaphysics, they continue to fascinate believers and intrigue researchers.

The Curious Case of Angelique Cottin

Angelique Cottin, a French girl born in the 19th century, was known as the “Electric Girl” due to her inexplicable ability to attract and repel objects through an unseen force. Witnesses reported seeing furniture, clothing, and even people being moved in her presence.

On numerous occasions, Cottin was observed levitating while holding onto objects or people, seemingly defying gravity. Scientists and scholars of the time attempted to explain her abilities through magnetic forces or subconscious manipulation, but no definitive explanation was ever reached.

Does Levitation Really Exist?

Levitation remains a perplexing and mysterious phenomenon, challenging our understanding of the natural world and the limits of human potential. The stories discussed above represent just a fraction of the bizarre and well-documented cases of levitation throughout history.

While skepticism and scientific inquiry have offered alternative explanations, the sheer number of credible eyewitnesses and the absence of concrete answers leave room for continued wonder and speculation. As we strive to unravel the mysteries of levitation, these extraordinary tales continue to inspire awe and captivate our collective imagination.


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